Bags are Packed...Ready to Go

April 8, 2010

It's a beautiful sunny, windy day and we're all packed and ready to head to Europe on this amazing life adventure. I am flying late this afternoon directly into Frankfurt...arriving tomorrow at noonish (euro time). Gunther is leaving this evening -- through London and into Frankfurt -- he gets in around 7 p.m. We're staying at this beautiful hotel in Frankfurt for one night -- we'll head to one of Gunther's favorite restaurants for dinner and surely indulge in one of the delicious and diet friendly (not) German pork dishes that we love so much! We'll try and get a good night sleep (yeah right) and then it's off to Sofia at 10am on Saturday morning!

We arrive in Sofia and are picked up by Nikolay (our facilitator...whom I'm told looks like a Bulgarian version of Tony Danza!) and a translator who will take us to Yambol where the orphanage is -- we don't see the girls until Sunday morning. It's a three hour ride so we'll have lots of time to ask him about what to expect for our first visit, and the dozens of other questions we have for him about the girls. We're staying at this ultra modern and cool looking hotel called the Riverside Hotel (pictured above) which is right in the heart of Yambol and very close to the orphanage, which is awesome!

More to to make sure I have everything packed and ready. Have a suitcase of dolls, blankets and books for the girls and special little booklets for each of them describing their new home and all of the people who will be part of their lives!

I have the usual pre-flight jitters -- but nothing a glass of Cabernet can't calm. Will be so happy to arrive in Europe and see Gunther when he arrives. Off we go!

ps: at airport now - a big shout out to Johnny Dub for hooking me up on a laptop that fits in my purse that i can access the web wherever i go!

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