No Sleep to Yambol!

OK, I'm having a hard time sleeping. At about 3 am each night, my brain is like a fly wheel thinking of all of the things we need to do in the next two weeks. By April 10, we need to get to a little town in the southeast of Bulgaria called Yambol ( where the girls' orphanage is located. Yambol is the cultural epicentre of Bulgaria where many artisans, musicians and painters reside. This small city of about 85,000 people is located about 100K from the Black Sea and about 300K from the capital city of Bulgaria, Sofia. We have been told by our adoption facilitator in Bulgaria, Nikolay, that the best thing would be to fly into a seaside town called Burgas, a very popular summer vacation spot for Eastern Europeans. The only problem is that there aren't many flights from Frankfurt to Burgas in the off season, and it's prohibitively expensive, so we're kinda stuck there.

We had heard so much about how cool a city Sofia is and we both really wanted to see it. There are tons of flights from Frankfurt to Sofia ...and there's a train that goes right from Sofia to Yambol in about 3 hours. Seems like the way to go...

Since Gunther already has a ticket booked for Frankfurt for a conference, we book my ticket first. I am amazed at how inexpensive it is to fly from Vancouver to Frankfurt to Sofia to Munich (to visis G's mom) and then back to Vancouver. We book my roundtrip ticket (gulp)...leave on the 8th and back on the 20th (gulp of wine)...but at least I'm flying direct to Europe and back and it's on Lufthansa. Maybe I can flirt my way into first class...Germans don't really flirt though, do they:-) OK, onto G's ticket for the Frankfurt, Sofia, Munich leg of the trip. A bit more pricey but we manage to get on all of the same flights together which I'm happy about. We're done...we have our tickets booked and we're jumping up and down (well I am)...celebration part 2!

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