A Family was Born

Rosi, Cheryl and Yuli
Fana is chilling out
Gunther with the girls
Video Below: Yuliya Sings!
April 14, 2010

We decided that today was the day that we were going to explain to Yuliya and Fana that we were their parents -- forever. The last three days has been nothing short of a small miracle when it comes to how little Fana opened up to us. This child does not speak and shows her emotions through crying spurts...but her connectedness to us through her eyes...the way she stars at us, touches our hands, and smiles with this big grin from ear to ear - it is heartwarming and we love her so much. And Yuliya, the life of the party, the showgirl...with a deep desire to be loved and to love. This girl is just the cutest, smartest little thing. They are both remarkable in their unique ways.

We arrived at the orphanage and we spent 30 minutes of so in the main room, a nicely decorated pink and yellow room that is warm and comfortable. Gunther was sitting with Fana and Yuliya and I were styling our hair. Rosi came over and asked Yuliya if she understood who we were. She didn't say anything but she smiled. Rosi then went on to say that Gunther and I were her momma and date (pronounced da-tee) and she looked at us and she grabbed me. Fana sat with Gunther and said nothing but she smiled and let out her happy screetch. Rosi then went on to explain that we had to go back to Canada to arrange their room (all Yuli wants is a pink room with a big TV) and the paperwork. She doesn't understand this. She asked Rosi if she was going to fly tomorrow. Rosi explained that it would take some time and Yuliya seemed to accept this. The next hour -- the four of us just went a bit nuts. Yuliya was bouncing off of the walls with happiness. She went back and forth saying Momma and Daddy and was just euphoric with happiness.

Little Fana moved from corner to corner laughing at Gunther and Yuliya playing together. She had a hard time at a few points trying to absorb everything. This little girl doesn't speak but she understands everything. We left at 12:30 and Rosi, Gunther and I walked with a skip in our step back into town. We stopped for lunch at the BEST restaurant we've been to yet called House. We celebrated with a great meal and a toast to family!

Back to the orphanage at 4 and all of the kids were hanging out playing. Yuli, Fana, Gunther and I had our snack together separate from the rest of the group. Usually Fana sticks all of the food she is given right into her mouth so no one will take it from her. This time, she held her cookie in her hand, taking small bites with the calm and resolve that we haven't seen before. It took her almost 30 minutes to eat a small biscuit. Yuli was still drunk with happiness! The four of us and Rosi had the most incredible two hours...playing, loving and dealing with toilets, feeding, games, etc. like a family does. It is hard to be in an orphanage with other caregivers who need to lead and direct. We are the parents but we are respectful of caregivers who require having control of all of these children. This afternoon was so special for Gunther and I...we are a family and it felt so amazing.

Two hours just flew by and all of the kids came back in, so we knew it was time to say goodbye. Yuli, Gunther and I had a group hug and then we sat next to Fana (who likes to sit against the wall and watch everything) and said our goodbyes. When we kiss her head and her cheeks she gives us this look of love that cuts right into your soul. For someone who can't speak, boy can she communicate.

Tomorrow is the last full day that we spend with them before leaving. I hope and pray that all of this immigration and judicial paperwork happens as fast as possible because we just want them to be home with us. We left them with blankets for their cribs that Gunther and I have been sleeping with for the past 5 nights so they could feel our presence with them while they sleep and dream. We just want them to know we'll be back as soon as possible to take them home.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful blog.....I am filled with emotion as I read this heartwarming story and look at all the gorgeous pictures.
    These precious daughters of yours could not be getting two better parents in the entire world. For the short time we got to know you in Maui, we knew what loving, kind and caring people you both are. These 2 little bundles of joy are the luckiest little girls! What a gorgeous family the four of you make. Wishing you only the best of health, happiness and a perfect world for you all! Much love, Nanci and the Segal fam!! xoxoxo
