Arrival in Yambol, Bulgaria

Saturday, April 10, 2010
Woke up very, very early this morning to catch our flight from Frankfurt to Sofia. Had breakfast at the hotel in Frankfurt and took another ripping taxi ride to the airport. Had to go through two security checks and then we were off on a bus to take us to the plane. Relatively short flight to Sofia and we arrived in the early afternoon. Our adoption facilitator Nikolay and our translator Rosi met us and we started our journey from Sofia to Yambol. This three and a half hour drive took us through the beautiful plush countryside of Bulgaria. Roads were actually in halfway decent shape and despite a few tense moments on a small two lane highway where we ripped past slow trucks in the passing lane, we arrived in Yambol safe and sound. Our hotel looks like it belongs on Mars compared to the surrounding buildings -- picture above (taken from our hotel room) shows a small glimpse of the expansive red brick roofs that blanket this city.

We had a great dinner with Nikolay and Rossi -- a delicious chicken and vegetable stew cooked in this beautiful ceramic dish. To bed early now to get ready for this BIG day tomorrow -- we meet Yuliya and Fana tomorrow morning. We are excited and nervous...what a day this will be!

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