A Day We'll Never Forget

April 11, 2010

Today was one of those days which truly defies words but here goes. We woke up after a very on and off sleep, no wonder. We popped out of bed at 8 and met Rosi and Nikolay for breakfast -- an assortment of Bulgarian breads, meats and cheeses...which was amazing. After breakfast, we packed the two dolls and a selection of books for our first meeting with the girls. We were silent holding hands as we drove to the outskirts of Yambol. As Nikolay pointed out the orphanage, I felt my hands start to shake and I looked at Gunther and he had such a full expression. We pulled up to this building, words cannot describe it and I'll load the pictures at a different time because i didn't take any at that time. We walked in and we were led to an office where they were going to bring the girls. We sat there for 10 minutes or so and finally the door opened. In walked Yuliya, with this huge big smile on her face...and right behind her was Fana. Based on the report we received, we weren't sure what to expect but she came bolting in full force. I embraced her as Gunther embraced Yuliya and it was very sweet and emotional. We gave them the dolls-Fana threw hers across the room and Yuliya sat quiet and pensive. We took them out into the yard, a big space with plenty of swings and ladders and things to climb on. Both girls were very reserved...especially Fana who would not let the hand of her special caregiver go. After 30 minutes Yuliya was fully engaged with us...laughing and playing and singing. She is quite the performer. Fana was showing signs of opening up but still very introverted. Both girls absolutely LOVE to swing (definitely need one for the backyard). We took them inside after about two hours and saw the 16 other kids in the orphanage -- so beautiful. They bombarded Gunther and I -- reaching out for love and affection. At this point, Yuliya and Fana were quite possesive of us and you could see the other kids were envious. We stayed for 30 minutes...and said good-bye. We were coming back in the afternoon at 4:30 for a second visit after their rest and lunch.
The car ride back to the hotel quiet...what an experience. We went to the Bulgarian version of Safeway to buy some water and snacks. Gunther and I then rested for a couple of hours to get ready for our next visit back. We left the hotel at 4 to head back to the orphanage and when we arrived we were taken to a private playroom where the girls were. We walked in and Fana made eye contact with us and came running into my arms with Yuliya behind her. Then they hugged Gunther who brought pretzals for them ( a special snack they love). We sat and ate the pretzals and both girls were smiling and very cuddly. We took them outside and we played for a couple of hours. Fana and Gunther really made a connection while Yuliya and I played and practiced her ABCs. She is remarkably talented with music. Fana marched around (she does this happy walk) so proud. She is a very hands on girl who likes to throw things and make noises...but she is so alert and energetic.
We are so happy how today went...and tired from such a day of emotions and everything. Back tomorrow for two visits like today.

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