Getting to Know the Girls...and then some...

Monday, April 12, 2010
We both were up really early this morning...met Rosi for another great Bulgarian breakfast (the espresso coffee kicks the ass of jetlag) and we decided we would walk to and from the orphanage...a 30 minute walk which was really nice on a perfect Bulgarian spring day.

We arrived at the orphanage at 9:30am and spent about 15 minutes with the director of the orphange to really understand the girls` background. We talked about Yuliya first -- she is remarkably smart, loves (and is gifted) with music and art...and from our observations (and her agreement) is the leader of thè 16 or so children in their group. We then discussed Fana...who is definitely delayed in her cognitive development with regard to speech, communication and behavior control. Fana is likely dealing with issues regarding some sort of major stress and/or development delay as a result. We knew from her profile that she had issues, and we witnessed her behavior yesterday. The director said she was a smart, focused and energetic girl...but that she had problems with communication and control. We saw her open up to let's see what Day 2 holds.

The girls were brought in...and Yuliya jumped right into my arms and Fana walked right to Gunther and motioned to sit on his lap. Rosi brought them chocolates so we sat while they gulped down their Kindersurprise. Yuliya is such a sweet girl...and Fana was smiling and engaged. We then were told to bring the girls to a playroom upstairs. We walked up the stairs and Fana wanted to go outside. Gunther led her by her hand but this was not what she wanted and had a major meltdown as such. This girl has some serious vocal chords! She screamed and cried. Gunther and I looked at each other, and I don't think either one of us was quite sure what to do. Yuliya sat quiet looking at her sister - she wanted her to just calm down but Fana had to work through it. After about 10 minutes, Fana calmed. The caregiver told us that she intentionally put Fana in this situation to show us what she was possible of in an unwanted terms of her behavioral issues. She screamed, got over it...and then she motioned to Gunther by hand that she really wanted to go outside. And so we went.

We spent the rest of the morning in the beautiful sunshine walking around the grounds. It became very clear at this point that Fana was very much calm and confident around Gunther. They walked hand in hand for an hour or so while Yuliya and I collected wild flowers and played with the other kids at the orphanage. These children are so adorable, some quite challenged -- they all just desire love and hugs. We all wound up playing on one part of the playground...these children just swarmed Gunther and wanted to be held or taken for a special G "airplane ride"...I taught them all to say Hello. Yuliya and I played together and she can know say Hello, How are You. She likes to play the same game over and over again and loves hugs! We left for the children to have their naps and lunches at around 12:30.

We walked back into town and found the cosmopolitan side of Yambol (thank goodness!) We discovered that Yambol has this very cool pedestrial main street with lots of cafes, well dressed people and amazing atmosphere. We returned to the orphanage in the afternoon and the girls were ready to play outside (such a BEAUTIFUL day here) so off we went. Fana led Gunther by the hand again -- she has made remarkable progress in making eye contact, controlling her outbursts, etc. -- in just 2 days. All of the caregivers are in absolute disbelief how she has taken to us, especially Gunther. She is definitely going to be a daddy`s girl. I think she just loves his calmness, while Yuliya wants to look at my shoes, sunglasses, earrings, purse and loves to play with my hair...a real girly girl. We spent the next couple of hours playing, and hanging out with the other kids in the orphanage too. We headed inside around 6 and Gunther and Fana sat in the corner. She stared into his eyes -- and loves to grab his fingers. Her ultimate sign of affection to him is a good smack in the forehead. We all laugh about this. In all seriousness, this little girl who has had so many behavioral problems has taken to Gunther and shocked us all. It is heartwarming beyond belief. Yuliya is the model child -- her adjustment to orphanage life, and her intellect, spirit and childlike curiosities are amazing given her background. Seeing all of these children who just want to be experience we will never ever forget.

We said goodbye to Fana and Yuliya and tell them we`ll be back tomorrow -- they give us kisses and hugs. What a day of change, hope, love and children.

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