Stefana the Pooh

Poor little Fana...what a little mess. The first time I watched Gunther as I was changing Fana's diaper, I heard him gag. Now he's the master - not even phased. Fana and he are such an amazing father and daughter picture. Despite ripping through about 30 diapers, she is being such a great little girl. She is developmentally around a 2 year old. She throws things, screetches, cries when she doesn't get her way, etc., etc. She will require lots of special care as it goes with her developmental delay, but she is such a sweetheart you can't believe it. It's our charming little Yuli who is proving to be quite the test for us. We feel confident that this is mostly due to all of the attention that Fana has been receiving -- she is jealous. So in her child-like mind, she thinks if she behaves badly, she'll get attention. The hard part for us is to direct her to not misbehave, with no Bulgarian language skills. It's really hard.

All Saturday afternoon, we hung out in the apartment cause it was really cold and windy outside. Fana was being her usual was Yuli was being a real primadona. Holy toledo this child was really pushing our buttons. I had just one moment where I thought to myself that I have no idea what I'm doing. I was freaked out -- it all just hit me. This feeling more or less passed quickly, thanks to Gunther re-assuring me that I was doing great -- just sometimes what you need to hear.

We had dinner in and Rosi and I successfully put the girls to sleep, which I was OVERJOYED about given the gong show of the night before. I felt SO exhausted so after a bit of down time with Rosi and Gunther I went to sleep. When Gunther came in around 11, I woke up and I had no idea where I was.

Fana puked in her bed, so we were up at 2 a.m. with her and she came into our bed to calm down. After about an hour or so she fell asleep and we all slept until 8 a.m. which was AMAZING!!!

So here we are on Sunday. Fana has been given some medication for the mysterious poo-thing. The girls are asleep taking a nap and I'm here sitting in quiet listening to downtown Sofia. Tomorrow we leave at 4 a.m. for our voyage home. I hope and pray that all goes smoothly. I can't remember the last time I wanted to just get home as much as I do right this very minute.

These girls are a HANDFUL, as all children are. They are so beautiful you can't even believe it. Fana has so many hilarious quirks -- just wait until you meet her. Yuli thinks she can get you into the palm of her hand with her cute little bubbly laugh and smile. Man, she is going to a heart-breaker but I'm not even going to think about what she's like in 10+ years.

Gunther and I just need to take this day by day. This is the hardest thing I've ever done (and I'm sure G has never experienced this kind of challenge) but I'm certain it will be the most rewarding for us and for that we feel good. I think we're both running the full gamut of emotions from feeling sometimes terrified to feeling mostly proud. He is the BEST daddy to these girls (in my humble opinion) and I'm trying not to over-analyze every juncture and/or event to make it better, justify it, etc. This is a very heightened transition time for them and for all of us. We both now that this is going to be a work in progress for some time to come. Rome wasn't built in a day...

We woke up to the smells of Fana last night at around 5 a.m. and G just looked at me in the dark and made this most hilarious face. This is a CRAZY experience but there's no place we'd rather be than with this a family.

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