Welcome Back!!!

Welcome back to the blog!!! Thank you to everyone who has been following our posts and I apologize for the delay in getting this back up and running. I just want to say that we so much appreciate everyone’s love and support. With so much to update I’ve broken this down into three posts: The Girls, The House and Bringing them Home!


When we left Bulgaria in late April, we were told that it could be three to four months to process all of the paperwork to bring the girls home. Three to four months – this felt like an eternity and we were really concerned about how this would impact the girls. After all, when we told Yuli we were going to be her mommy and daddy, she was so excited she ran to her room to grab her things – she thought she was leaving that moment. Fana just sat and smiled! Heartbreaking…but we told them that we needed to get their new room and house ready, and that we needed to process paperwork which would allow them to come to Canada.

Needless to say the girls have been very anxious for us to come back to take them home! Every time Yuli sees a plane she says to her friends in the orphanage that her mommy and daddy are on that plane to come take her and Fana home. Obviously, she has experienced some disappointment in that expectation! One stormy night, she woke up and asked one of the caregivers to call her daddy in Canada and make the loud thunder stop. 15 minutes later, the thunderstorm subsided and she proudly told everyone the next day that her daddy made it go away. She has this amazing imagination and says the most hilarious things! She keeps telling everyone that Canada must be so far away because it's taking so long for us to come back! She is requiring a lot of reassurance but she knows we’ll be there eventually.

Fana has been doing just great! Her special time with Galina -- the caregiver we hired to spend time with her – has been amazing. We received pictures last week and she looks like a different little girl. A total smiling free spirit – she knows what’s going on and she is so happy and relaxed! She loves to ride on her bike and we’ve been told that she just loves the water! She has made lots of friends over the summer and feels very special to be getting all of this attention. She loves to help in the garden and can sit and play, color and just hang out. She knows that she is coming to a beautiful home and while it will be hard for her to say goodbye to Galina, we feel so confident that she will do great here. Galina has been nothing short of a guardian angel and she will always be part of our lives…she will always be Fana’s special Nana.

We have been sending care packages frequently and the girls just love opening up their special gifts! It is their 5th birthday on Sunday, August 8th and they are spending the day at Galina’s cottage which should be so much fun for them. We have arranged to have cake and balloons and we have a birthday package that is being delivered today. While we were really hoping to be there – instead we are going to do a conference call with Rosi (our translator), Galina, Gunther and I at 7 a.m. on Sunday morning to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY! The girls will have their orphanage birthday party on the 9th and we have also arranged to have treats for all of the kids to participate in the birthday celebration!

It is so hard at times to communicate to the girls that things are getting closer – they are only 5 after all and time is a difficult concept to explain to them. We are getting closer, with every day. I know in my heart that they feel our love, albeit from a distance…our love and desire to have them here and start our lives together is as strong as ever.

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